Turning out nutritional advice
Turnout isn’t as simple as flinging open the doors to your winter housing and watching as your cows bound towards the fields. Ensuring your herd remains happy, healthy and productive requires careful nutritional planning. Here are some tips.
What's new for dairy farmers in 2019?
What does 2019 have in store for dairy farmers? How should you be preparing for the year ahead? With selective dry cow therapy, dairy automation and Brexit on the agenda, we ask two dairy farming experts for their views.
Volac Wilmar presented new rumen-protected fat at EuroTier 2018
Mega-Max is the first rumen-protected fat for the whole lactation period.
Volac Wilmar presents new rumen-protected fat at EuroTier 2018
Volac Wilmar are proud to present Mega-Max; a multi-purpose fat supplement for dairy cows and other ruminants targeted to improve milk yield, milk fat, fertility and body condition score throughout lactation.
Volac Wilmar Feed Ingredients launch Mega-Max
Announcement for a new product in the Megalac fat supplement range.
EBook: Body condition scoring
Maximising profits as a dairy farmer through body condition scoring.
Boost your dairy farm profits with genomics
Genomics can help you breed healthy, efficient dairy cows. But what is genomics and how can it boost your profits?
Are happy dairy cows more productive?
What can you do to enhance the happiness of your dairy herd? And will it have any effect on milk yield? The research may surprise you.
Meet the fats that can transform dairy cows’ productivity
In the oddly-fascinating world of fatty acids, not all fats are born equal. But when you know which fats and fatty acids are best for your dairy cows, you can transform both the productivity of your herd as well as the profits of your business.
More fat, more profit: are you feeding enough fat to your dairy herd?
Want to maximise your margins? The right type of fats can improve the health, productivity and profitability of your dairy herd. But what are the best fats to feed? When should you feed them? And how much is too much?
No fat, less profit: the nutritional mistakes dairy farmers must avoid
Are you adding fat to your dairy herd’s diet? If not, your business could be losing thousands of pounds in lost income.
Supplementing At Turnout
With improved weather conditions leading to strong grass growth and a lack of winter forage in the pit to help buffer the spring grass flush, the incidence and extent of milk fat depression is likely to be high following turnout. However, consideration of