British Dairying feature
Historically, the US is a leader in ruminant fat research. Volac’s Dr Richard Kirkland talks to Dr Adam Lock, an associate professor specialising in fat and fatty acid nutrition in the Department of Animal Science, Michigan State University. Adam hails fr
More fat, more profit: are you feeding enough fat to your dairy herd?
Want to maximise your margins? The right type of fat can improve the health, productivity and profitability of your dairy herd. But what are the best fats to feed? When should you feed them? And how much is too much?
How to maintain a healthy rumen in dairy cattle
A healthy rumen isn’t just a good way to avoid digestive upsets. Rumen health is a good yardstick of overall cow well-being. Without a well-functioning rumen, your dairy herd is open to all manners of costly health complications.
Cow comforts: keeping your cattle productive in winter housing
Autumn is here. And with that, Jack Frost is gearing up to usher in the frigid days and frosty nights of winter. To ensure your cows stay happy, healthy and productive through the winter, the time to prepare is now.
How to maintain your dairy herd's body condition score
Optimum body condition makes your cows more profitable. Here’s the easy way to measure it and - more importantly - maintain it.
Are your cows getting enough fat in their diets ?
Cash flow and profitability are under pressure and it's time to re-focus and check that your diets are doing what they should be.
Feeding dairy cows fat – is it cost-effective ?
More milk at all cost? No!! – More of the right type of milk! Read more on returns and breakeven milk price for supplementation of diets with Megalac.
Fat in ruminant diets
Fat is an essential component of balanced diets and is often added to increase energy density. Dr Richard Kirkland discusses the range of fat supplement types available on the market.
Maintaining energy levels at grass to retain fertility
Introducing rumen-protected fat to the diet improves body condition and herd fertility. Volac’s Neil Birkett discusses in this latest article.
Dietary fat and dairy cow reproduction
Fats and fertility is a much discussed and researched topic. But what does the evidence really say? Dr John Newbold discusses in this latest article.